Mars in the Mix ~ 23 Jan 2020

Currently Mars ranges near the middle of Sagittarius. Over the next five to seven days, Mars engages two potent black holes that rather authoritatively from the higher mind of Sag remind all Earthlings to:

Practice what you preach. Preserve your psyche from hypocrisy.

If your actions and beliefs don’t line up, consider modifying the belief system to support the true, evolving nature.

Be excellent. When sharing insight and knowledge, extract the best from your experiences and acquired wisdom. Should you consult with others, select only with experts in the fields of which you seek knowledge.

Mars continues his trek through Sag and on 12 February Mars crosses the Galactic Center - the spewing source of free, downloadable cosmic insights. So between now and the middle of February, recollect, cultivate and develop every amazing idea dropped into your cranium during the tenure of Jupiter in Sagittarius of last year. Those brainstorms require immediate application and fabulous follow-through, that is, to apply Mars’ instinct for getting stuff going... and assuming one is good with being the delivery source of information that may take a little while for everyone in the personal sphere of influence to grasp and wrap around. They’ll catch up, but someone Mars-ey’s got to provide the blueprint.

Nearly concurrent in the middle of February, on the 16th Mars enters Capricorn where he remains until just about the end of March. Capricorn, of course, bears distinction as the sign in which Mars is exalted. Potentially, Martian applications for roughly six weeks commencing the middle of February, if dignified, refined, cultivated and high-quality, receive special, supportive sanction.

On 25 February, during Mercury retrograde, Mars aligns with the south node. While some may hesitate to advance during Mercury’s reversal, at this time the urge is to deep dive into what you know, review what no longer serves your needs or requires replacement. Consider that some karmic tasks reach the completion point. Here, decide to let go of situations, people, or merit badges of life that do not support current causes.

Perhaps the culmination of Mars in Capricorn occurs around 20 March as Mars comes to join Jupiter in Capricorn. Here, the motivations of Mars match wits with the grandest plans of Jupiter. Maybe pause around St. Patrick’s Day to consider what might be considered Capricornian dominion. Take on an elevated vantage - that of high climbing goats - consider all the terrain ahead, and reflect upon what is the greatest destination to serve these energies? What path affords the greatest successes in the real world while ensuring that the third-eye - part of the unicorn totem oft assigned to Capricorn - remains open, receptive and contemplative?

Underscoring Mars to Jupiter, on 22 March Mars aligns with Pluto. Now the co-rulers of Scorpio convene in an advanced degree of the sign. Together these two planets do what they can to conjure images of what plutocracy truly means, and what any given person’s personal part in the collective plutocracy is, whether by denial of, involvement in, or what interest in evolving efforts might be applied.

Shortly after the Mars-Pluto conjunction, Jupiter in Capricorn and Eris in Aries come into a square, the first of three to occur in 2020. Eris holds contempt for those who exclude others, or those who seek to hold others at disadvantage. As such, expect politicians pounding the pavement and kissing babies to chat up the ideas of income inequality. They’ll say what they do, but everyone feels this transit. As March closes and we’ve all waded waist deep into the waters of 2020, and as Mars moves into Aquarius and triggers where Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin come December, what are you going to do for you?

What are you going to do to secure stronger mundane outcomes and economic well-being that disadvantages no one?

How will you include yourself into realms and circumstances that may have shunned you so far?

By what means will you find your natural and perfect fit of spirit into your being?

Well, Mars has a few opinions from where he now stands:

Be brilliant. This can be accomplished by accessing and installing all the galactic insights drifting through the ethers. Be the first kid on the block with the clear, illuminated mindset and concepts.

Demonstrate your capacity and enthusiasm for hard work. Know your energy capabilities. Rest when required, so that when on task, clear, attentive actions can be taken.

Perform all tasks with impeccability. Cut no quality corners. Aspire to manifest every result with dignity, integrity and reverence to the cause/belief behind the results.

Be a proponent of win-win scenarios. Avoid zero-sum agendas. Consciously apply Galactic Center insights such that the plutocracy evolves under the influence of Mars and Pluto into something furthering for all.

By the end of March it seems that the cards of the hand of the year will be on the table. Whatever is likely to happen economically throughout the year is in the symbolic tea leaves. Political shifts and upheavals shall continue and abound with rabid speculation despite whatever determinations occur in the short term.

Most important, every person on Earth will feel a series of impulses from Mars’ position in the mix to stand up, rub out wrinkles and take on the challenges of the world for personal and spiritual betterment in spite of everything else out there. It’s a potent mix that Mars offers. Perhaps a microdose might do at first, but Mars and his colleagues in the skies intent for marco results. Once you get going, keep it going. With insights gleaned from Mars to the south node in February, trust that the knowledge of the past is absorbed, sparing the need to halt and look back.

Says Mars, “Onward and upward!”

More soon!